Here We Go Again – MicroHoo Search Deal Close?

By  |  Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 3:09 pm

Harry earlier today passed along the news that former Autodesk chief Carol Bartz is the new CEO of Yahoo. So how long did you think it would take before somebody revives the MicroHoo talk? Apparently about two hours.

Our good friend and colleague Kara Swisher over at AllThingsDigital is reporting that sources withing Microsoft are telling her that a search partnership is very close to being done. In fact, the proposal is all ready to go: all that needs to be done is the presentation to the Yahoo board.

Current talk pegs the signing as soon as January 27, which would be the company’s earnings announcement. What better way to boost your stock price than brag about a new CEO, hopefully decent earnings, and the completion of a deal that your investors have been asking for over a year?

It would also make a good first showing for the new CEO. She’d start out on the right foot and show that she’s in tune with the problems plaguing the beleagured search company.

Let the next round of speculation begin…


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Jeff Says:

    That would suck.

  2. tom b Says:

    OK, so the DoJ forbade Yahoo from cementing a search partnership with Google, a company everybody likes– you think they’ll allow a search deal wuith MSFT, a convicted monopolist? When pigs fly! Google lawyers would have a request for an injunction signed in minutes.

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  1. Ballmer Met With Yahoo Exec This Week | Technologizer Says:

    […] seems to confirm the reporting from Tuesday which indicated that Microsoft has proposals ready to present to the Yahoo board any time now. The […]