Reuters: Apple Ordering 10-inch Touchscreens

By  |  Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 8:43 am

The drumbeat in the media claiming Apple is developing some type of netbook or tablet PC for later this year is growing louder. Reuters says souces in Taiwan report that the Cupertino company has placed an order for 10-inch touchscreens with supplier Wintek.

That firm has received orders for these screens, and Apple is a client of the company. However, it would not comment on the report, and Reuters’ source declined to offer any more information.

Either way, delivery of these devices is expected in the third-quarter. Reuters’ story also marks the third news outlet to report something about these touchscreen devices from Apple.

A Chinese business daily reported the original news earlier this week, and a Taiwanese government listed Apple and Sony as customers of Quanta, a contract laptop manufacturer, in 2009 (this was last year).

So despite a lot of analyst predictions that Cupertino would slow down as a result of the slowdown, it now appears the company is still going full steam ahead.

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