Bioshock 2 Delayed. One Less Holiday Game, Please.

By  |  Monday, July 13, 2009 at 7:10 pm

bigsisterbioshock2The gaming world was seriously bummed out today, hearing that the blockbuster Bioshock 2 will be delayed until fiscal year 2010. I’m thrilled.

Publisher Take-Two said in a financial update that the game needs “additional development time,” but there are hints that the company wants to duck this year’s holiday game rush, even if FY2010 technically allows for a November or December release. Mainly, the following quote shows the publisher’s hand: “We believe the result [of a delay] will be a more compelling consumer experience and a better performing product in the marketplace (emphasis mine).”

Could this signal an end to the age-old practice of releasing too many good games at the end of the year? Maybe, but there are other factors that can’t be ignored. Take-Two acknowledges that it’s partly waiting for a better economy to come around. In explaining Bioshock 2’s delay to FY2010, the publisher says the game, along with other blockbusters, “provide a platform for enhanced financial performance in what we hope will be an improved retail environment.”

And sure, extra development time could certainly be a necessity. There are, after all, four studios working on the project, which I imagine would slow things down considerably.

But Bioshock 2 is a major release, certainly capable of going toe-to-toe wih other top-tier titles, and publishers aren’t well-known for delaying a game past the holidays for the sake of making a better product. I don’t know if the economy will be more favorable to video games by, say, next spring, but I’m inclined to think Take-Two sees an advantage in separating itself from the holiday game glut. At least one other high-profile game, the Playstation 3 exclusive Heavy Rain, is doing the same.

It’s my opinion that Bioshock was a flawed masterpiece, better left standing alone, so the news doesn’t bother me on another level. Still, I welcome any sign of better games in the off-season. A blockbuster game would be perfect right about now, in the summer.


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3 Comments For This Post

  1. Terry Robinson Says:

    “It’s my opinion tht [sic] Bioshock was a flawed masterpiece”.

    Also, it seems like a delay could push any release into more economically cheerful times.

  2. tam duong Says:

    alrighty, so they to push back the game; fine. Now,” i EXPECT Bioshock 2 is nothing short of an godly masterpiece.” You people have two years to work on the damn game. The first bioshock game was released in August 21-2007 how much more time does it need. Furthermore, the game had been delayed into 2010. For the record, please from now on, double-check and makes goods on your promised. Like i’ve said, “i expect nothing short of an godly masterpiece by 2k. from my lips to GOD’S ears, yes sometimes i’m that vain.

  3. Jeb Johnston Says:

    Thank you 2K for ruining my 2009. I have the joy of now having to wait solely for Assassin’s Creed instead or eagerly looking forward to Bioshock 2 every single day of October. I’m just glad I never got around to pre-ordering Bioshock 2, since I don’t plan on buying it anymore…

3 Trackbacks For This Post

  1. Games industry suffers from recession, finally | Technologizer Says:

    […] above last year’s numbers. Game makers aren’t fully cooperating, though, as Take-Two delayed the much-anticipated Bioshock 2 in hopes of reaping better sales during FY2010. Heavy Rain, a Playstation 3 exclusive that’s […]

  2. Technologizer’s Second Annual Game Awards | Technologizer Says:

    […] from 2009. Heavy hitters like Splinter Cell: Conviction, Bioshock 2, Bayonetta and Heavy Rain were pushed back to next year, ostensibly to allow more development time, but more likely to avoid competition from Modern […]

  3. Calling it: The Holiday Game Glut is Dead Says:

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