The World’s Wildest Wearable Gadgets

Most of these 15 pieces of tech coutre won't make you more fashionable. Just way, way more geeky.

Posted by  | Monday, July 27, 2009

Bluetooth Dress

Bluetooth Dress

Ladies, looking to attract a geek at your local bar? Throw on this Bluetooth dress and they’ll be flocking to you. The dress, created by a British fashion student in conjunction with Sony Ericsson, connects to the wearer’s mobile phone. When a call comes in, a panel of lights along one shoulder begins to flash, creating an illusion of movement. The bad news: The Bluetooth dress is only a prototype so far. Sorry, guys.

Geek-o-meter: Geek-O-Meter 4

Short-range wireless connectivity has never been so arousing.

Slides: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Tron Says:

    You need to make these all on one page. this clicking next bull is terrible!

  2. Peggy Says:

    I think the Solar Backpack charger is a pretty neat piece of wearable green geek chic.

  3. John Baxter Says:

    Don’t get too dependent. Most of this won’t work well at Rooster Rock park.

  4. Tom Says:

    Wow the USB shirt is ridiculous. $222?? I could make the same exact thing for $50 or less.

  5. Doh! Says:

    Your link on the home page goes to the Radio Shack swhuld not change it’s name page.

    Not too bad for a tech site…..

    Wait, no, fail….

    But don’t mind the slide show at all…..

  6. Marcel Says:

    @tron… but that’s one way to make money. every time you click next, the page loads anew and the website receives a new “impression” and the ads are delivered anew… etc.
    Usability is often not the main concern of website publishers, when they have to make a living off of their site ^_^

  7. Earth lover Says:

    Um….couldn’t they make it a little more fashionable? Great idea but really, I wouldn’t want to look like a fisherman all the time.

  8. ms.gadgetfreak Says:

    I love the Bluetooth device ring, so chic and functional.

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