Is Google Too Powerful?

By  |  Monday, August 17, 2009 at 9:59 am

Google GlobeOver at TechFlash, Galen Ward of real-estate search company Estately has blogged about the way that Google integrates results and promotions for its various features (such as Google Maps, YouTube, Google Checkout, and real estate search) into its search results. He says the practice makes it hard for other companies that compete with Google–and which might even offer superior services–to succeed, and that it therefore hurts consumers. He goes so far as to wave an obvious red flag by comparing Google today to Microsoft in the 1990s. (He also says that if the government interfered with Google, it would probably make the situation even worse.)

The question “Is Google too powerful?” is as big and complicated as Google itself. I’ll try to blog some thoughts about it soon. But for the moment, I want to take your pulse in the form of today’s T-Poll:



1 Comments For This Post

  1. vacation market Says:

    i think Google now is not so powerful, their Google search engine had hard competition from Bing and Microsoft-Yahoo deal will give Google warning to improve their search engine.

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