Seagate Plugs Into Pogoplug for FreeAgent Go

By  |  Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 6:34 pm

Seagate DockStarA few months ago I reviewed Pogoplug, a gizmo that lets you connect USB drives directly to the Internet for access from anywhere. I said the best thing about it was the slick, simple service that let you get to your files from any browser. Seagate seems to like the Pogoplug service, too: It’s announced DockStar, a dock for its FreeAgent Go portable hard drives that you connect to your router via a Gigabit Ethernet port. Presto–your FreeAgent is on the Internet, along with up to three other drives via the DockStar’s USB ports. It uses PogoPlug’s service, letting you share folders or entire drives full of photos, videos, and other items across the Net–either to the world at large or to specific friends who you grant access.

Here’s what Pogoplug’s service looks like in your browser (this image is a rerun from my earlier review):

The DockStar looks sleeker than PogoPlug’s own bulky wallwart hardware and costs the same–$100. If you’ve got a FreeAgent Go and are intrigued by Pogoplug’s capabilities, this is the one to get.

In separate Pogoplug-related news, the company has announced a new social networking feature that lets you publish photos and videos to Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. The content stays on your hard drive so there are no limits to capacity, resolution, or length, and you can use Pogoplug’s authorization features to turn access to your stuff on and off at any time.

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  1. Seagate’s FreeAgent GoFlex Drives: The News is in the Cable Says:

    […] If you pop the cable and connector off a GoFlex drive, the drive looks kind of  like a hard-disk cartridge with the hard disk’s standard edge connector exposed–such as the cartridges that HP and other companies have sold for many years. Seagate has visions of everything from PCs to DVRs sporting slots that you can pop GoFlex drives into. For now, the company is leveraging the concept in the GoFlex TV HD,  a $129.99 networked media player that connects to HDTVs (similar to the existing FreeAgent Theater HD) and the $99.99 GoFlex Net, which lets you access stuff stored on it from any Internet-connected PC (similar to the existing DockStar). […]