Longer Than the Constitution

By  |  Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 10:39 am

The New York Times comes through with a brilliant infographic on Facebook’s privacy policies and options. (Can anyone explain to me why Facebook hasn’t implemented some sort of higher-level privacy slider–Totally Private, Somewhat Private, Somewhat Social, Totally Social–on top of all this complexity?)



2 Comments For This Post

  1. Mike Cerm Says:

    I fear the day that Facebook does implement some sort of “privacy slider”. At this time, smart people do have a high-degree of control; you have a bunch of options, and you can configure them. With a slider, do you really think that Facebook is going to be able to articulate the difference between “somewhat private” and “somewhat social” in a concise manner?

    I’d rather have a ton of specific, granular controls that normal people can’t understand (as long as I understand them) than a slider that Facebook can use to deliberately confuse people even further.

  2. Jared The Geek Says:

    Saying its longer than the constitution is idiotic. The regulations on iceberg lettuce is nearly 5 times longer than the constitution with the amendments. Legal documents are longer than ever because of how people are so litigious.