Apple's Antenna Response is Online

By  |  Friday, July 16, 2010 at 2:00 pm

Apple has made a Web replay of this morning’s iPhone 4 press conference available on its site–plus a page that walks through its tests of the iPhone 4 and other phones and how holding them near their antennas impacts reception.

(One question which I don’t think Apple answered: Were these all the phones it tested? Did any fail to, um fail no matter how they were held? Apple’s explanation says that “nearly every smartphone” has issues, which suggests that some don’t.)


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3 Comments For This Post

  1. ChadA Says:

    The Web replay link redirects me to Apple didn't want it accessible?

  2. Harry McCracken Says:

    Thanks for the heads up–the redirect was behaving weirdly, but I think I have a link there that works now.

  3. Lava Says:


    In response to your question, I think Apple was challenging the blogosphere that if they really cared about the antenna issue, then they should man up and subject all the other smartphones out there to the same tests.

    Jon Gruber already pointed out how Samsung was caught lying about being able to hold the Galaxy S "any way you want."

    "Samsung held a huge launch event for its Galaxy S line of Android handsets in New York City a few weeks ago. During the event, Samsung's media relations staff was sure to take some pot shots at the iPhone 4, and told me, "You can hold the Galaxy S any way you want."

    "Um, not true. "

    Now we get to see if the Apple haters are capable of rational behavior or whether they will overlook all the same weaknesses of their beloved Androids that they hate in the iPhone.

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