Are Two Screens Better Than One?

By  |  Monday, December 13, 2010 at 2:37 pm

Last Gadget Standing Nominee: Acer Iconia

Price: TBD

When I first saw this, I thought I was looking at the world’s biggest Nintendo DS. But Acer’s Iconia a true original.

It’s a notebook computer, based on the Intel Core i5 processor.  It has two LCD screens–one on the bottom and one on the top, offering you a ton of options for usage.

At the launch Acer said the Iconia offers the “versatility of a conventional 14” form factor with a unique dual-screen layout and highly intuitive all-point multi-touch functionality, which means you can use all the fingers of your hands.” You can browse the web or watch a video on the top screen while you’re composing a document or creating a spreadsheet on the bottom screen, for example. Or just browse the Web across two screens by laying the notebook flat.  Reading a large Web page is a total treat.

The coolest part of the touch experience is that there’s ten-finger multitouch. To switch between apps, for example, you just lay five fingers on the screen and the Acer navigation ring appears. Place both palms on the screen and a virtual keyboard appears. A built in gesture editor lets you decide how you want to use the multitouch most effectively.

It remains to be seen how users will take to a two screen notebook, but it’s one of the most innovative designs I’ve seen in a long time. Prices will vary with features (including HDMI, 3G and Dolby sound) but Acer did not offer a suggested price at the time of launch.


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16 Comments For This Post

  1. ahanin Says:

    Hmm – interesting. Seems like it might belong here:

  2. Becky Flint-Fike Says:

    I would love to know the sticker price on it, but this looks amazingly fun and interesting… where and when can I buy my own? I am a total Acer fan!

  3. Katie Keleena Says:

    wow, I would love to try it out.

  4. francisco Says:

    YO tengo una ACER nueva pero me gustaria probar la ACER de dloble Screens…

  5. akira Says:

    ow man….this one is so cool^^
    I love it…Go ACER!!!!^o^/

  6. Fridayfng Says:

    Its time to replace my old notebook. I definitely will consider buy one if the price is right.

  7. Ana Lydia Reyes López Says:

    Fantastic! I want one please,I love ACER.

  8. Bob Says:

    This is the future!

  9. Ali Butt Says:

    technology can not end :O)

  10. Mustafa Butt Says:

    east or west, Acer is the best. 😉

  11. Laura Says:

    Brilliant this one… The truth is that increasingly the technology is advancing and I believe that this this laptop in the last thing… I congratulate Them…

  12. Danielle Says:

    after this comes out you know other will copy and make better if there is a way . As far a price gose well something i will never aford lol but as time gose on price will drop as all things do

  13. Danielle Says:

    forgot to add that i really do like it lol

  14. Nilesh Mufc Pingale Says:

    Bill Gates is a very rich man today… and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions.

  15. IcyFog Says:

    Robin have you seen this in person?

  16. William-Robert Kent Cousert Says:

    It looks like the Microsoft Courier. Is it?