All the Web No More

By  |  Friday, March 18, 2011 at 3:34 pm

There was a brief period–gosh, maybe ten years ago?–when All the Web was my favorite search engine. In fact, I steadfastly believed it was better than Google. Then it had a sad decline. And now it’s apparently going away.

TV shows occasionally call it quits when they’re still on top–Mary Tyler Moore, Seinfeld, The Sopranos. Why is it that every good Web site goes through a sad decline?


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6 Comments For This Post

  1. @AlanHogan Says:

    A rhetorical question, of course, but the answer is “scarcity.” Keeping a site online doesn’t require a limited timeslot.

  2. onordpol Says:

    As a reader, I wish to reassure you that the sad decline phase appears to be very far in Technologizer's future. Barring, of course, a surprise takeover by the Huffington Post.

  3. Esteban Says:

    This is the first I've ever heard of it, and I was a pretty heavy web user even a decade ago.

  4. Jennifer Sams Says:

    All the Web was a fantastic search engine!

  5. aquaponics4u Says:

    Not all in the web will stay forever. Thanks for sharing.
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