More Google+ Tweaks

By  |  Monday, December 19, 2011 at 1:08 pm

Google has announced several significant improvements to Google+.

(The two I most want to see are both based on my particular needs. I’m looking forward to the feature that Google has announced which will let you transfer a Gmail-based Google+ identity over to one that uses Google Apps, so I can use my Technologizer Google Apps account for Google+ without losing my current Circles and friends. And I desperately want Google+–any version of Google+–to work better on an iPad. In fact, since I started using an iPad 2 most of the time, my G+ usages has dropped by about 95%. I just can’t make it work reliably.)



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4 Comments For This Post

  1. Bonjour Tristesse Says:

    Nice, I've been waiting for that first feature too.

  2. @evvywevvy Says:

    Are they going to stop sending me notifications every time I take a photo? That's the most annoying thing for me.

  3. Lamar Putstrikov Says:

    How about stop being an idiot and get a real tablet.

  4. how to drop ship Says:

    how it drop 95%???