Technologizer is on Google News

By  |  Monday, September 29, 2008 at 10:33 am

Here’s some news I’m pretty tickled about: Stories from Technologizer now appear in Google News. (Unlike other Google search services, Google News isn’t trying to index everything, just sources it believes to be professional and credible–only 4500 or so sites make the cut, which is a tiny fraction of the world’s news sites when you think about it.)

Technologizer stories will appear on the Google News home page and in searches. And here’s a link that takes you to a list of all of our items on Google News, sorted by date,

We’re Google News fans here, so it’s a kick to see Technologizer there. More important, there are millions of other Google News fans in the world, and we’re delighted that at least some of them will discover Technologizer as they browse around the site.



2 Comments For This Post

  1. Alan Says:

    Good job. I know I check in daily, either from my mac of iPhone.

  2. Harry McCracken Says:

    Thanks, Alan! Good to have you here…
