Technologizer Live Coverage: Apple Notebook Event

By  |  Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 9:55 am

No rumors. No predictions. No misinformation. Just the facts about Apple’s new portables, straight from Apple’s campus. Join Harry as the MacBook Pro he bought in June suddenly becomes an antique. Our liveblog of the press event starts at 10am Cupertino time.


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8 Comments For This Post

  1. robert Says:

    no rumors no predictions… no readers

  2. robert Says:

    looks like no posts too

  3. Adam Says:

    Hey, thanks for publishing so many comments during the live feed. Felt like I was there. Great job, you made chatting through a Keynote I would rather have loved to be watching online enjoyable.

  4. Maddio Says:

    Way better than Pop-Up Video.

  5. NanoGeek Says:

    I just noticed that the “Get a Mac” ads are no longer available on Apple’s site. Even though they are advertised on other pages, the links don’t take you to the ads.

    Is Apple canceling the ad campaign?

  6. Harry McCracken Says:

    They’re there and playing for me, NanoGeek–I went to the “Mac” tab on the site, and clicked on the image of King PC…


  7. NanoGeek Says:

    So they are. I can swear that it didn’t work before.
    When I clicked that link it took me to, but now that page is at I guess they made a mistake and fixed it.

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    […] Loop (their campus) that had in it’s "spotlight" notebooks. As all the major tech/gadget sites have pictures and live coverage and you can now watch the keynote video here I […]

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