New Dell Adamo: How Thin Can You Go?

By  |  Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 2:39 pm

Dell has a teaser site up for the Adamo XPS, a new laptop in its luxury Adamo line. It has nothing to say about the system except that it’s 9.99mm thick–presumably at its thinnest point. That’s compared to the original Adamo‘s thickness of 16.5mm, and the MacBook Air’s 4mm-19.4mm. (Unlike Apple, Dell quotes only one figure even though the case looks similarly tapered.)

Dell Adamo XPS

It makes no sense to have an opinion on the new Adamo until we know something about its specs and its price, but I’m glad to see Dell make some machines in which serious engineering, not specs-for-the-price-point, is the guiding principle. With Microsoft’s Windows ads entirely focused on promoting Windows econoboxes, it’s easy to forget that the slickest Windows laptops give Macs a run for their money (at–mysteriously enough–similar price points).


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    Only 2 years later and 2 times thicker than MacBook Air. Dell is right on top of things.

  2. Sam Says:

    Does it matter that they came later? Do you win an award for being the first one? I don’t think people will care that the laptop came out 2 years later if it runs well.

    I think as far as design goes the Air is untouchable, but the race for the highest performing ultra-thin laptop is still very much on

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  1. Dell’s Adamo XPS: Incredibly Thin! Unexpectedly Odd! | Technologizer Says:

    […] all: News Okay, now we know why Dell was being so secretive about its new Adamo XPS laptop: It’s not only remarkably thin (9.99mm) but also uses a design which is unique, as far as I […]