Windows 7: The Ads Begin

By  |  Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Um, some of them will star grownups, right? Even so, it’s nice to see a Windows ad that’s actually about Windows…]

(Via Joe Wilcox.)


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8 Comments For This Post

  1. Dave Barnes Says:

    I liked it.
    Way better than “I’m Lauren and I am a cheap whore”.


  2. Finn Jack Says:

    Looks cool. Happy to welcome Windows 7. Hope next generation starts.

  3. Bouke Timbermont Says:

    Hate it.

    Not that I bash MS: I use Win7 RC as my main OS, and I LOVE it! But when is MS gonna start using normal ads?

  4. iRob U Not Says:

    Nothing to say 🙂

    They should show the features of 7 that would interest me more i think. I am OSX all the way but i would still watch if they showed me something it did (apart from slideshows hmmm).

  5. Marc Says:

    I like it. Much better than “I’m a smug Mac user” 😉

  6. jltnol Says:

    ok.. so THIS is the best MS can do?

    Relying on a cute kid to sell your product?

    Nothing clever or smart about cute.

    not saying anything about the OS, but the ad sucks…..

  7. Bill Says:

    Holy craptastic, that is one of biggest POS ad campaigns I have ever seen.

    “Switch to Windows 7 because it doesn’t suck as much as out previous versions”

    Great. Way to set that bar high.

  8. Video maker Says:

    Great work. 🙂 i like it

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