Gmail: Sick Again

By  |  Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 8:20 am

I awoke this morning to find that hundreds of folks were reading an old Techologizer story on Gmail problems–which is always a sign that Gmail is misbehaving on a grand scale. As usual, I checked my own two Gmail accounts, and found that my inboxes were available–but that both were displaying a message I’d never seen before:

Gmail Contacts

Then I checked the Google Apps status page, which confirmed that something was amiss but didn’t mention contacts (I’m also not sure why it calls it “Google Mail,” but let’s avoid addressing that for now):

Gmail Status

Gmail Error

Lastly, I turned to Twitter, which rarely explains why something is going on, but which can certainly help determine whether it’s widespread. It did confirm that some people can’t get into Gmail, period:

Gmail DownWhatever’s going on, it comes less than a month after Gmail’s last major disruption. When this is sorted out, I hope that Google not only publishes an explanatory blog post, but also one about that addresses more overarching issues concerning Gmail reliability.

So are you having Gmail issues this morning?


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11 Comments For This Post

  1. Ken Burnham Says:

    My GMail works, just cannot access contacts. I can still receive and send email.

  2. Erica Says:

    Yes, same “contacts” issue here. Glad it isn’t just me, but wondering what could be going on.

  3. maguay Says:

    Yeah, I logged into Gmail about 10 minutes ago and was greeted with the red “Gmail is temporally unable to access your contacts” bar. Email seems to still work ok, though. Windows Live is still running fine 🙂

  4. Peggy Says:

    First I got the Contacts unavailable message. Now, I can receive mail, but I can not read or send mail.

  5. shivs Says:

    Its very funny that the “Learn more” link was last updated on 9/2/2009.

    So, Google has left it there just in case this problem occurs. 😀

  6. Ken Burnham Says:

    Peggy: Need to ‘enable’ IMap I believe to address reading/sending email.

  7. Marc Says:

    My iPhone couldn’t connect to Push email for a while today… it made it loose quite a bit of battery actually.

  8. infmom Says:

    I use Eudora and have not seen any Gmail interruptions at all. Time for you guys to start looking for a good desktop email client!

  9. Zip Says:

    lol @ people that are obsessed with their email being down

  10. Patrick Says:

    My gamil account just sent out four spam emails to folks on my contact list.

    Looks like there is an IP address and a url with ru in it. I sent an email to google with an example of the sent email.

  11. best liquid vitamin Says:

    You wouldnt believe how long ive been googling for something like this. Browsed through 10 pages of Yahoo results couldnt find diddly squat. Very first page on Bing. There was this…. Really have to start using it more often!

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  1. Gmail Outages: The Debate Continues | Technologizer Says:

    […] all:&nbspNews For about two and a half hours this morning, some Gmail users found that their contacts or the entire service was unavailable. Once the service bounced back, folks continued to debate whether Google outages are a sign of […]