Our Quest for the Worst PC in America Ends Today

By  |  Friday, October 16, 2009 at 8:27 am

Worst PC in AmericaOver the past couple of weeks, members of the Technology community have been gracing this site with words, pictures, and videos about some truly terrible personal computers. But it’ll all end tonight at 5pm PDT, when we stop accepting entries in our Worst PC in America contest.

We’ll then pick an, um, winner based on both the badness of the PC and the creativity of the entry–and its owner will receive HP’s slick new Envy 13 notebook, courtesy of HP.

HP Envy 13
If you’ve been too shy to share your clunker with us, now’s the perfect time to fess up. Go here to read the rules. To enter, reply to this forum thread–which contains all the entries so far–and tell us about your machine.



3 Comments For This Post

  1. Jeffrey S. Says:

    Been trying to look at people’s clunker PC’s, but for some dumb reason, too many images are loading all at once on the site. Couldn’t you have imposed some kind of limit on the number of pictures or how many MB per image?

  2. Harry McCracken Says:

    Yes, there’s a lot of stuff. Sorry–but next week, we’ll publish highlights of the entries in a more manageable format.


  3. Backlin Says:

    Yeah, that was something that irritated me about pages 2 and 3; a lot of stories had a lot of pictures. I wish I had some more of mine though; I was Branhower.