Boxee’s QWERTY Remote

By  |  Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 12:47 am

The Boxee Box, the Internet TV gizmo that D-Link will be demoing at CES this week, has a remote control with a QWERTY keyboard on its backside. Makes perfect sense. Actually, come to think of it, isn’t it kind of bizarre that there are so many TV boxes today that expect us to laboriously click our way through on-screen keyboards to enter alphanumeric information?

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1 Comments For This Post

  1. John Nall Says:

    I totally agree. My Time Warner DVR and even my brand new Blu-Ray player make you navigate an on screen keyboard. Reminds me of entering my initials for high scores back in the arcade. Even the Wii that lets you point at the letters isn’t much better. A little chiclet keyboard like on my BB 8330 would be better.
    As bad as having to navigate an on-screen keyboard is my GPSs touch screen keyboard. It’s not QWERTY, the letters are in alphabetical order. It’s aggravating.