iPhone OS 4 Developer Beta: What Works, What Doesn’t

By  |  Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 10:47 pm

Most iPhone OS applications should work on the iPhone OS 4 Developer Beta. But as with any major revision of n operating system, there are sure to be some problems.

After the jump, a report on common applications I’ve run on my iPhone 3GS and the issues (if any) I encountered. I’ve had a fairly good success rate in running applications without a hitch, but there are a few that don’t do so well.

Working With No (Obvious) Issues
AIM Free
The Weather Channel Max
Google Earth
AP Mobile
Knocking Live Video
AT&T myWireless
USA Today
Yahoo Messenger

Working With Minor Issues
Google (search results pages appear on a grey background)
Skype (works, but warns that it is not supported)

Working With Major Issues
Shazam (Loads, however cannot detect sound)

Not Working
NYTimes – Crashes at startup
MLB At Bat – Crashes after startup


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8 Comments For This Post

  1. Adam Says:

    I have a developer build also running on my iPhone. Twitter search in Tweetie immediately crashes the app and in We Rule all of the purchasable building items ( trees, shops, etc) cannot be selected at all.

  2. Jeremy Says:

    MLB At Bat works for me unless I try and view the in-game stats of a game. I can use it to listen to games fine though.
    Some apps I’ve had problems with:

    Foursquare: This morning it crashed about 8 or 9 times before it worked.
    Apple Remote app: Wouldn’t see my Apple TV at all. Works fine on 3.x
    Echofon Pro: won’t start at all.

  3. alx Says:

    i have an iphone 3g and it doesnt have ibooks or a customizable home screen.. i need help or advice!

  4. alex Says:

    i have an iphone 3g and it doesnt have ibooks or a customizable home screen.. i need help or advice!!

  5. Matt Says:

    Delivery Status Touch is not working. It shows the start up screen then goes black. Doesn’t crash, it just shows black.

  6. Eric Says:

    It won’t let me connect to my home wifi, everywhere else it fine.
    When in photos and click send to mms, wont allow me to send anything, must go through messages app.
    Mail, won’t let me download the rest of an email when it says dowload remaining kb.
    Many others.

  7. Russ Says:

    iRegister – not able to input numbers into amount field.
    iWedding – same issue with inputting numbers into the budget field.

    Intermittent Facebook and Safari crashes.

  8. Eric Says:

    How can the photos in the photo albums be restored to their original clarity after the update?

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