Palm 4 Sale?

By  |  Monday, April 12, 2010 at 1:49 am

Bloomberg says that Palm wants to sell itself and Lenovo and HTC are interested. As a bystander who’s fond of both Palm’s current products and its immense legacy, my preferred outcome is still that Palm figure out how to stay independent and successful. If that’s not possible, I’m rooting for a buyer who can figure out how to make WebOS into the major mobile-OS player it deserves to be–and I’m fretting about scenarios in which its gets bought and withers away.


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Mike Cerm Says:

    It’s sad that Palm isn’t experiencing the recovery they deserve. HTC with WebOS could be a match made in heaven. HTC already makes the best hardware. If they could take WebOS, add in a few of the things from Sense, and run it on Nexus One or Evo hardware, that would be fantastic. It would also be a good way for HTC to differentiate, since the Android market is getting pretty crowded.

    Sadly, I could just as easily see HTC buying Palm for the patents, and letting WebOS die. I’d rather see someone buy Palm with the intention of getting WebOS out to the masses. Someone like RIM, for example, who really needs a next-gen OS.

  2. Tom Ross Says:

    For HTC this would be very risky. The day they’d announce WebOS as their future OS, most of their existing business (based on Android and Windows) would be Osborned. Within the first year, we’d probably see a $5 billion company (HTC) and a $1 billion company (Palm) combine and shrink into a $2 or $3 billion company. HTC would have to commit suicide for Palm. WebOS would still be the underdog of the industry, albeit with a slightly brighter outlook.

    I’m hoping for Sony. I know it won’t happen. But Sony used to make the best Palm OS PDA in the early 00s, the Clie.

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  1. Storytelling Social Media Marketing PR Technology & Business Curated Stories Apr. 12, 2010 Says:

    […] Palm 4 Sale? Published: April 12, 2010 Source: Technologizer Bloomberg says that Palm wants to sell itself and Lenovo and HTC are interested. As a bystander who’s fond of both Palm’s current products and its immense legacy, my preferred outcome is still that Palm fig… […]