Google's New Look is Mobile, Too

By  |  Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 4:20 pm

I’m still waiting for the new Google interface to show up as my default. But here’s an interesting side note: Google is rolling out a mobile version at the same time, with pretty much the same sidebar of filtering options. On phones, though, there’s less real estate to work with, so the sidebar appears only when you ask for it, and shoves the results over to the right.

I know I’ll use this at least occasionally, since I tend to use Google on phones much the same way I do on a computer. (When I have the yen to research something, I just do it on whatever device I have handy.) In theory, though, teeming masses of smartphone users aren’t that interested doing the sort of sophisticated searching that the sidebar enables–you have to be pretty serious about your Googling before you decide to restrict search results to a specific date range. I wonder just how often folks will use these features?


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7 Comments For This Post

  1. Tech Says:

    It makes sense they roll it out to the mobile site too. Many people hate the new interface.

  2. Max Says:

    I personally prefer the previous look.

  3. Jessica Says:

    I like the old simple layout. That is why I used google. This new layout feels cluttered and distracting. If I wanted that I could just use bing or yahoo. I know some people like it, but from what I’ve seen a good number of people DO NOT like it at all. Google should at least allow users to choose which layout to use. Classic simple, or new cluttered.

  4. Jotomicron Says:

    Google will probably offer the choice in the next few days, or weeks. I also prefer the old uncluttered layout, but I think this brings some features to the less experiences user who will certainly benefit from them.

    (Let’s just hope google does offer the option to switch back!)

  5. Peter Says:

    Classic or cluttered……………..I go for the classic everytime

  6. Lori Says:

    I do not like the new look at all. I personally thought my company had placed some kind of filter on our system that had caused this layout to take place. I certainly hope they go back to the regular Google.

  7. Max Says:

    Even if they are to provide an option to remove the sidebar, so long as it is enabled by default it means you’ll need to stay logged into google to avoid it.

    Rather undesirable, especially since the general consensus seems to not be in favour it.

    Could just be a vocal minority that dislike it I guess.