How IBM Sold Tech in the Eisenhower Era

By  |  Monday, August 30, 2010 at 2:42 am

Back in May, we told you about some industrial films that IBM commissioned from the Muppets in the 1960s. The decade before that, the office-equipment giant was a major advertiser in glossy mass-circulation magazines such as LIFE. Today, those ads are a fascinating, evocative trip back to a world in which technology, work, and workplaces were radically different. Yes, there was a time when the typical piece of business correspondence was a snail-mail letter typed by a secretary on a typewriter which might or might not have been electric–and which had no provision for correcting errors.

View The Golden Age of IBM Advertising slideshow.



2 Comments For This Post

  1. Collins Says:

    Speaking of electronic typewriters, I remember when my mother got her first one at home. We were so amazed by it that each of us took turns typing on it — most were just non-sense blurbs. And I also remember how much attention and care she gave to the thing, just like when I got my first Macbook. Those were the days.

  2. Max Says:

    Nice work Harry, I always enjoy your retrospective slideshows.