Windows 8: See You in September?

By  |  Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 9:52 am

When will Microsoft release a beta of Windows 8, or whatever it ends up calling the next version of its operating system? ZDNet’s Mary-Jo Foley has a timeline that makes September look plausible, with room for a more selective Community Technology Preview version to arrive before that. That timetable would make a mid-2012 release of the final version possible–less than three years after Windows 7’s debut.

We still don’t know that much about Windows 8, other than that it’ll apparently be designed with tablets and all-in-one computers in mind as well as more traditional PCs, and will run on mobile processors from ARM and other companies as well as x86 chips. Oh, and Steve Ballmer says it’s a risky bet.


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4 Comments For This Post

  1. The_Heraclitus Says:

    I wonder when they will get away from NT?

  2. Beerhouse Says:


    Since that would fall in perfectly with my predictions for the Amazon contest, I deserve a gift card. Heh, heh.

  3. oldgoat1957 Says:

    Growing up as I did with Microsoft (and Windows) as the big player and defacto trend setter, it's interesting to get the sense that they are reacting instead of innovating these days. I'm not sure ifit's because they are too big a ship to change course quickly, or if they don't really know what they want to do next…

  4. windows 8 Says:

    Good for the consumers that they had finally find the best microsoft they wanted to have!