New Nintendo Console Confirmed

By  |  Monday, April 25, 2011 at 1:35 pm

The rumors were spot on. Nintendo confirmed in its latest earnings report that it’ll launch a new home video game system in 2012, and will show it off at this year’s E3 trade show.

As for details, there are none. But according to Bloomberg, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata suggested that the new console won’t simply be a more powerful piece of hardware than the Wii. “We would like to propose a new approach to home video game consoles,” he said. Iwata added that it’s “difficult to make 3-D images a key feature, because 3-D televisions haven’t obtained wide acceptance yet.” Cryptic.

Still, there are plenty of rumors to fill the void of official information. IGN reported that the Wii successor, code named Project Cafe, will include a button-laden controller with a 6-inch touch screen in the middle, prompting the mock-up pictured above.  The console will reportedly stream games to the controller’s screen. CVG reported a similar rumor. As for the console itself, IGN’s unnamed sources said it would look like a modernized Super Nintendo and support 1080p graphics. Based on manufacturing costs, sources estimated a retail price of $350 to $400 (the original Wii cost $250 at launch).

All of this corroborates what IGN reported in the original round of rumors, that Nintendo will try to “recapture the hardcore market” with its new console. If that’s true, it would be a huge change of course for Nintendo. For now, I’m wagering that Nintendo’s next console will retain some hooks for casual players.

A few other questions, in no particular order:

  • Will Nintendo finally rethink online, social gaming, or will it persist with the antiquated friend code system found on the Wii and 3DS?
  • Will the new console be a multimedia hub, like the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, or will Nintendo continue to focus mainly on games?
  • With Nintendo shifting focus to a new console, can we all finally declare that the Wii Vitality Sensor was vaporware?

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8 Comments For This Post

  1. 2def Says:

    lets hope Nintendo make a true predicessor to the Gamecube! As the cube was to the 64! im not to bothered about it being a multi platform killer app do all console, just want the old Nintendo thing that got me hooked in the first place!!

  2. Jefferson Decker Says:

    I think they would be a lot more successful if they lowered the price… 86 million Wii's sold to date? Thatssss not that many… they would most likely double their profits if it could be afforded by the billions of people that would love to have one but had to decide between that or feeding their families for a week/month.

  3. Michael Taylor Says:

    86 million is a lot. The Wii sold more its first year than PS3 and Xbox 360 and has stayed on top. That shows you that most people who play video games own a Wii with a PS3 or Xbox 360 on the side. The price is amazing. Back in the day Atari games used to cost $300.00. I think that lowering the price isn't the answer. Nintendo may or may not be competing but there are some standards that they should add at the very least. Such as online multiplayer with voice chat, a true friends list with better communication and a more dedicated game marketplace. They don't have to be this big media hub, just a nice game system, but to do that its time to move on with a new system.

  4. Redline Says:

    I bought a Wii for one game , ONE. Super Smash Bros Brawl. after that…I havent touched the thing. Still waiting on a new SS game…atleast some downloadable characters….wait nintendo cant do that…

  5. YOu Says:

    I love SSBB

  6. Me Says:

    If you havnt noticed this is all one person talkin

  7. c.vhbashj.;job. Says:

    Wow, i just did that

  8. Arnum Says:

    Can't wait to get some info on the new console. We have both the Wii and a PS3 and the PS3 gets the most use. They are about even in regard to games, but the media centre capacity of the PS3 gets the most use in our house.