Buy a PC, Get an Xbox 360

By  |  Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 4:48 pm

Apple has long offered students a tempting back-to-school deal: a free iPod when you buy a Mac. Now Microsoft is offering something similar. Nope, not a free Zune–a free Xbox 460 360 (a $200 value) when you buy a PC that sells for $699 or above at a variety of brick-and-mortar and online merchants.


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4 Comments For This Post

  1. nike free Says:

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  2. ContraMundum Says:

    Umm. XBOX 460? When did they release that? Might want to fix that, Harry.

  3. haharry Says:

    I think Microsoft needs to pay Harry for sending him the wrong console.

  4. Video maker Says:

    Wow. This is a great offer !
    I would like to buy a Xbox 360 😀