TechReads for July 8, 2014

Let’s Ask the Audience(This Week in Tech)

I guested on this episode of TWiT with Father Robert Ballecer and The Business Insider’s Steve Kovach..

What it’s like to use a Razr for a month. (Ashley Feinberg/Gizmodo)

2004’s coolest phone, revisited.

Independence from Facebook, Apple, and Google. (Dan Gillmor/The Guardian)

I’m not trying to declare it myself, but it’s fun to read about someone else declaring it.

Technologizer TechReadsMore than ever, Android and iOS are diverging. (Benedict Evans)

Android is treating the Web and apps the same; iOS is making the web less relevant.

Smartphones may boost 4K video. (Dawn Chmielewski/Re/code)

…which would be good for adoption of big 4K TV sets.

The latest in ATM skimmer technology. (Brian Krebs/Krebs on Security)

Fiendishly innovative.

Rumor: Microsoft will release Surface Mini after all. (EvLeaks)

The missing iPad Mini competitor will allegedly show up before the summer is over.

The NSA stored info on innocent Americans–badly. (Conor Friedersdorf/The Atlantic)

Whatever you think about the legitimacy of the agency’s actions, it’s tough to argue that it acted competently.

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