Tag Archives | iGoogle

iGoogle Does Comics

I’m in San Diego for the massive pop-culture convention known as Comic-Con–along with roughly half the world’s population, judging from the crowds. And when I jumped online, I discovered that Google is here in spirit, too:

Google Comics Logo

On my display, at least, that art is a bit tough to make out, but those are four DC Comics heroes: Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Plastic Man. But the really cool part of Google’s comics celebration is that it’s come up with more than fifty iGoogle themes based on comics. The variety is spectacular: There’s Mutts, Peanuts, and Nancy; Superman, the Hulk, and Krazy Kat; Beat Girl; designs by Jaime Hernandez, Daniel Clowes, and Kim Deitch; and lots more. Including–inevitably–Ziggy.

At the moment, I’m enjoying E.C. Segar’s Popeye:

Popeye iGoogle Theme

Like other iGoogle themes, these ones auto-change depending on the time of day. Nicely done–but I hope Google decides that every day is comics day, and continues to add more. If there was a Pogo theme, I’d install it in a heartbeat…