My mom, sans BlackBerry.
My mother isn’t the sort of person who craves the latest smartphone just because it’s the latest smartphone. Actually, she remains smitten with her BlackBerry Curve 8900, which she’s had for a couple of years. But it’s developing an odd shadow effect on the screen, and so she rightly thinks she may be in the market for a new phone soon.
She asked me for advice on what to buy. And now I’m asking you for advice.
When it comes to decisions like this, I’m not a missionary. I don’t instinctively want to steer mom off the BlackBerry platform, or onto a particular OS. (For the record, I use an iPhone 4 most of the time, and a Verizon Fascinate some of them time.) I just want her to own a phone she’ll like at least as much as her BlackBerry.
Here’s what’s important to her:
- She does a lot of e-mail on her phone.
- She loves reading Kindle books on her BlackBerry. Very important to her.
- She’d use a browser if she had a decent one.
- She might dabble in Facebook.
- She might take photos if her phone had a respectable camera.
- She might well make video calls on Skype if she could.
- She might listen to music if someone showed her the ropes. Video, probably not. (Unless it’s of her grandchildren.)
- She’s not going to play games, do any social networking other than light Facebook use, or install apps willy-nilly.
- I don’t think she’ll detect much of a difference between 3G and AT&T’s “4G”
- As far as I know, she has no desire to leave AT&T. (I think she’s nearing the end of a two-year contract and might be able to wangle a new handset at full discount.)
- I don’t think she has a specific price in mind. But when I mentioned phones being available for a penny on contract, she sounded happy. And when I talked about the iPhone 4 costing $199, she sounded alarmed.
I don’t think mom has had real hands-on experience with any modern smartphones. But my dad has (and likes) an HTC Aria, so she has some sense of the world beyond the Curve. And she told me she’s intrigued by touchscreens. She’s not adverse to trying something new.
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