Tag Archives | This Week in Tech

Hey, I’m a Twit Again

Twit LogoI’m happy to report that I’m going to be on Leo Laporte’s This Week in Tech on May 3rd (hey, that’s tomorrow–Sunday!). It’ll broadcast live at 3pm PT before it becomes a podcast. I know that one of the other guests will be the Houston Chronicle’s intrepid tech editor, Dwight Silverman.

I always have a good time on the show, and always come away impressed by how many smart folks are Leo fans. (It’s an honor when they discover Technologizer, too.) Hope you’ll tune in!

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Release the McCracken!

I had a blast guesting on Leo Leporte’s This Week in Tech today and gabbing with Leo, Scott Rosenberg (who I’ve long admired), and CNET’s Tom Merrit. We talked about…well, what didn’t we talk about? Off the top of my head, I remember discussing Apple’s notebook event next Tuesday, Apple rumors in general, RealDVD’s legal mess, Richard “Lord British” Garriott’s trip into space, Google’s spy satellite, Windows 7, Windows Mobile, T-Mobile’s G1 phone, two BlackBerries (the Storm and the Bold), the Turing Test, Sarah Palin’s Yahoo Mail account, and whether the economic meltdown will destroy Web startups. We talked about Technologizer, too. And I’m sure I’m forgetting some stuff.

Did I mention that the episode is titled “Release the McCracken?” Listen to the podcast version, which is now available, and you’ll find out why. More or less.

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I’m a TWiT Next Week

WARNING! Shameless self-serving plug ahead…

I’m going to be a guest on the next episode of Leo Laporte’s This Week in Tech podcast. It’ll be available for download on Monday, but will also be streamed at 3pm PT this Sunday, if you’re in the mood to catch it live.

I had loads of fun the first time I did TWiT–back in June, before Technologizer was live–and am looking forward to my return. I suspect that many of the people reading these words are already TWiT listeners, but if you’ve never checked it out, there’s no better time than this coming episode.

(Okay, was that shameless enough?)