Tag Archives | Videoconferencing

Zorap: A Fun Twist on Video Chat

Demo LogoSome interesting DEMOfall companies impress on the strength of their basic ideas, even though their user interfaces are rough around the edges. With Zorap, it’s the other way around. On paper, this video-chat service–with built-in sharing of photos, videos, and music–sounds like it’s pretty similar to numerous existing products and services (including Apple’s iChat). But the interface, with multiple windows that glide about and resize themselves, looks like a lot of fun. It reminds me of the look of Apple’s Exposé window-management feature, applied to an entirely different purpose.

Here’s a video demo:

Zorap’s been around for awhile as a stand-alone service; its DEMO news is that it’s releasing a Facebook app version. It doesn’t seem to be live yet, but should be worth checking out.