Hey, I’m on a Podcast

By  |  Friday, August 29, 2008 at 10:58 am

I’m tickled to report that my friend David Spark recently interviewed me for his Be the Voice blog and podcast, and has posted the results here. I talked with David about my experience launching Technologizer and trying to ramp it up quickly, and share some of my trade secrets about creating Web content that gets read and enjoyed.

I began blogging in earnest on Technologizer six weeks ago. As David mentions, the site has gone from having no traffic whatsoever to being read by thousands of folks every day. I’m proud and pleased–but more than that, I’m grateful to everyone who reads the site, and in particular to those who take the time to leve comments and/or join the Technologizer Community. Thanks for helping to make Technologizer a success–and please stick around. I have more stuff in the works for this site which I think you’ll like…

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