Technologizer’s Ten Biggest Hits of October

By  |  Friday, October 31, 2008 at 9:20 am

MacBooks. iPhones. Error Messages. And an upcoming upgrade to the Microsoft Operating System That Dare Not Speak Its Name. Those were some of the subjects that got the Technologizer community reading, commenting, and debating in October. After the jump, a look at the ten stories that got the most page views this month–read ’em all!

1. Is the New Macbook Expensive? I attempt to do the math on how Apple’s latest laptop compares to similar Windows machines. As usual, a third of comments think I was biased against the Mac, a third think I was biased against it, and a third thought I got it right.

2. Firewire Isn’t Alone: A Brief History of Features Apple Has Killed. The new MacBook is missing the high-speed connector that Apple invented. Which is perfectly consistent with the company’s history of cheerfully eliminating technologies before much of the world is ready to do without them.

3. The 13 Greatest Error Messages of All Time. Our loving tribute to the Sad Mac, the Guru Meditation, and yes, the Blue Screen of Death.

4. Apple’s New MacBook Pro: The Technologizer Review. I didn’t love the new Apple 15-inch notebook unreservedly, but mostly, I was impressed.

5. Why the Kill Switch Makes Sense For Android, and Not for iPhone. David Sampayo argues that Google’s approach to disabling applications remotely is fundamentally different from Apple’s.

6. Is Swoopo Nothing More Than a Well-Designed Gimmick? Ed Oswald’s look at an oddball new auction site continues to spawn discussion pro and con.

7. Windows 7 First Impressions: Hey, This Looks Pretty Good. My first 48 hours of time with a preview version of Microsoft’s next operating system leaves me thinking that the company may actually fix much of what made Windows Vista so deeply unsatisfying to so many people.

8. 25 Arguments For the Elimination of Copy Protection. It annoys paying customers. It doesn’t do much to prevent pirates from doing their pirating. Can we just end it, please?

9. The T-Grid: BlackBerry Storm vs. iPhone 3G. RIM’s first touchscreen phone and Apple’s iconic device are similar in many respects, and fundamentally different in others.

10. The 13 Other Greatest Error Messages of All Time. Our first roundup of error messages prompted so many people to wax nostalgic about ones we didn’t cover that I whipped up a sequel based entirely on reader nominations. Which prompted even more discussion of error messages.


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. thehumanyawn Says:

    Number 4 links to the same page as number 3

  2. Harry McCracken Says:

    Oops, thanks–I’ll fix…