Seven Ways to Connect With Technologizer

By  |  Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 2:31 pm

technologizer-logoAttention Twitterfans: Technologizer has launched a Twitterfeed. While I’m telling you about it, I’ll take a moment to recap some of the ways you can interact with us and other Technologizer readers, on the site and elsewhere:

1. Technologizer on Twitter (new!). Follow and you’ll get links to every Technologizer story.

2. Harry on Twitter. I’m also on Twitter at I link to some Technologizer content and Tweet about other stuff every day–much (but not all) of it tech-related.

3. Technologizer RSS. Our feed is at

4. Technologizer Community. Our free community features include forums, photos, videos, and more; you can also create your own blog. Register for the community here.

5. Technologizer on Facebook. Almost 500 people belong to our Facebook group. If you’re on Facebook and logged in, click here to visit it.

6. Comment! You can weigh in on any Technologizer post, and don’t need to register. We’ve had posts with hundreds of comments. They make for great reading, so keep it up!

7. Share! Every Technologizer post has a Share This link at the end. You can use it to e-mail a link to the post or share it via Digg, Facebook, Reddit, and other social sites.

Thanks for being part of the ongoing experiment that is this site–I’m having a thoroughly good time hanging out with you guys…

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