So How Do You Get Your Entertainment These Days?

By  |  Monday, March 30, 2009 at 9:22 am

Technologizer's Digital Media CentralWhen it comes to media–digital or otherwise–you’ve got options. Lots and lots of them, from formats that have been around for decades to new services that may or may not amount to much over the long haul. At prices that range from nothing to kinda pricey. It’s an embarrassment of riches, so here’s a quick T-Poll to see how the Technologizer community’s getting entertainment (and news, and information) right now.

I haven’t taken the survey myself yet, but when I do, my answer will be, basically, “all of the above with a few exceptions, such as Blu-Ray, and in several other forms, too…”


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8 Comments For This Post

  1. Keith Says:

    Cannot check all that apply.

  2. SteveO Says:

    Yes, checkboxes would be better. I use satellite, cable, streaming on my mac mini (hulu, boxee, youtube, networks, slacker, pandora, etc), sonos.

  3. Arizona Charlies Says:

    I think this is a little biased.

  4. Dale Dietrich Says:

    As others have pointed out, you need to replace radio buttons with checkboxes if you want us to ‘check all that apply’.

    Please retweet when ready and I’ll come back.


  5. Harry McCracken Says:

    Sorry, folks–glitch fixed…


  6. JDoors Says:

    I’m just grateful I wasn’t the only one voting for the old-school technologies. That’d be embarrassing.

  7. Sam Says:

    Would buy my music but Amazon MP3 or Lala (the 2 places where I am willing to buy my music) are not available in Canada. Same goes for ad-supported video, most is not availble in Canada (besides Comedy Central and Global and MTV as far as I know, oh ya and CBC) but nothing is like Hulu in that all the content is in one place and more importantly in high quality.

    btw, dont have cable, still the bunny ears 🙂

  8. IcyFog Says:

    I’m surprised attending sporting events and concerts aren’t listed as an option.