Hey, I’m on My Way to Beijing

By  |  Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12:02 pm

chinaflagAt the moment, I’m blogging to you from the floor of a departure lounge in Terminal 1 at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport. (The area is conveniently equipped with a Samsung “power tree” which lets me plug in my notebook–but the only free plug isn’t located anywhere near a chair. And I’d rather look silly and have power than maintain my dignity and drain battery before getting on a plane.)

In a little over twelve hours, I’ll be in Beijing, where I’m heading to participate in a conference on the world of science and technology journalism, which is evolving at least as fast over there as it is here. I’ll be talking about the massive impact of the Web on tech journalism–which can be a challenge in some ways for sure, but I’m an optimist and so I tend to dwell on its multitude of upsides. (The timing is interesting given that the most financially successful computer magazine that ever was went online-only this week.)

I intend to have fun, meet interesting people, eat interesting food, and do at least a little sightseeing. I also plan to blog over there, the Great Firewall of China permitting. But if I have any trouble, Technologizer will be in the capable stateside hands of Ed Oswald and Dave Worthington. And I’ll be back late on Monday (yup, I’m not spending much more time over there than I’ll devote to getting there and back).

See you soon!

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