By Ed Oswald | Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 10:11 am
Well, if this is it, I have to say this was probably the most boring MacWorld keynote ever, and its probably obvious now why Steve Jobs isn’t giving it. These announcements, save for the work on iLife, are missing any punch. is not a full blown online version of the productivity suite as some had predicted, but instead is more of a collaboration site. Users will be able to upload and download documents from the site, and you can add comments and notes on the document. Multiple people can view and annotate.
The feature launches in beta today as a free service, but eventually will be fee-based, Phil says.
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December 24th, 2009 at 2:20 am
[…] Reality? It’s been more of a gentle nudge than a huge push, but Apple continues to add stuff of interest to business customers, such as the online version of iWork. […]