By Harry McCracken | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 2:38 pm
Funny but true: More and more, Technologizer has been living a double life. It is, of course, a Web site. But an awful lot of general chatter and discussion of specific T-stories is going on over at Twitter, where I’m @harrymccracken.
(Actually, Technologizer has a triple life if you count the official Technlogizer Twitter feed, which is @technologizer. That one’s an automated feed of all Technologizer posts. But @harrymccracken is a mix of links to posts and original stuff, and it’s far more bustling.)
Below are some of the Tweets I’ve gotten today on my post about the new, extra-minuscule iPod Shuffle–good stuff all. (I’ll probably bring you some other Tweets about Technologizer stories from time to time, too.) If you haven’t checked out Twitter, consider this my personal invitation to stop by and hang out with us there…
March 11th, 2009 at 3:25 pm
Awesome… thanks for the tip…
March 11th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
Folks, I’d also like to hear from readers on Twitter.. I’m @edoswald
March 12th, 2009 at 10:30 am
Nice to see my tweet in there 🙂 Thanks Harry!