Study Finds Twitter Usage Might Be Overstated

By  |  Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 11:13 am

TwitterResearch by the Harvard Business School seems to indicate that we might need to temper our enthusiasm for Twitter a bit. Taking a random sample of 300,000 users in May, researchers found that the top 10 percent of Twitterers in the sample accounted for 90 percent of all tweets.

Furthermore — and this may be surprising — most rarely tweet. The study found that the median number of tweets was one, which it said translated into half the group only tweeting once every 74 days.

Success as a tweeter also has to do with sex. On average, a male will have 15 percent more followers than a female. Men will follow men: they’re twice as likely to do so as following a woman. 

Harvard researchers noted that this is reversed from what is typically seen on other social networks. “On a typical online social network, most of the activity is focused around women – men follow content produced by women they do and do not know, and women follow content produced by women they know,” they said.

While this is probably not the most representative sample here, I’m wondering if and how often our Technologizer readers tweet.

I for one tweet at least 2-3 times per day. You’re welcome to follow me, of course! 🙂


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1 Comments For This Post

  1. GT3 Says:

    Very rare. I don’t have enough of a personal network using Twitter to make it worth my while to tweet, so I just follow (but only a couple of phone enabled updates).

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    […] Monday, Harvard Business School released the results of one of the first extensive sociological studies of Twitter, the frenetically popular […]