Posted by Jared Newman | Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Best Game I Haven’t Played: Plants vs. Zombies
I can’t give you a good reason why I haven’t played Plants vs. Zombies, but around release time, my Twitter feed was filled with accounts of addiction and way-too-late nights. The game is essentially tower defense, using plant-based weaponry to fend off hordes of undead, but it was so well-done that putting it down was problematic. I’ll have to try it at a time when game addiction is more convenient for me.
Runner-Up: Dragon Age: Origins
[…] The year's best games […]
[…] such as the 2007 blockbuster Bioshock, the indie hit World of Goo and Ninja Blade, a game whose high points may not be worth the cost of admission alone, but are certainly worth experiencing as part of a […]
[…] Borderlands launched in October 2009, and at first I couldn’t shake the feeling that the game didn’t entirely deserve its plaudits. Its post-apocalyptic setting, while intriguing, never fleshed itself out, and nearly every mission […]
May 12th, 2010 at 4:49 pm
my favorite character on the Plants Vs. Zombies game is none other than the Michael Jackson zombie.:;*