Memo to Palm

By  |  Friday, March 19, 2010 at 7:51 pm

In WebOS, Palm has one of the best mobile operating systems on the planet–the basis of some very nice phones. But almost all the recent news for the company has been bleak. Engadget, which wrote a famous open letter to Palm in 2007–full of suggestions that mapped closely to the route Palm ended up taking–is providing advice again. It’s tough love, and it all makes sense to me.


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Stilgar Says:

    Not all of the original Engadget advice was great. Specifically, “Stop wasting money on the Foleo.” My opinion was the same at the time Engadget authored their open letter, but I think we were all wrong; the EEE PC was a similar idea that came out after Palm gave Foleo the axe and suddenly netbooks became all the rage.

  2. Harry McCracken Says:

    I defended the Foleo at the time, and have noted since that Palm sort of invented and then abandoned the netbook. (Although it did turn out that almost all the netbooks that have succeeded have run Windows.) But it’s interesting that the route Palm chose to follow was so close to Engadget’s advice.
