Is There a Verizon iPhone? Definitely, Reportedly

By  |  Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Bloomberg’s Amy Thomson is reporting that unnamed sources have told her that Verizon Wireless will begin selling the iPhone in January of 2011. She seems pretty sure they’re right–so much so that part way through the story, she stops couching the possibility in language like “people familiar with the plans said”  and treats it as a done deal.

I hope she’s right, and maybe she is. I mean, odds are that somebody will report this news and be accurate sooner or later. But so far, Apple-Verizon rumors–including some as convincing-sounding as Thomson’s–have an unblemished record of resulting in absolutely nothing. After the jump, a little nostalgia from 2007 through earlier this year.


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    Nice scrapbook of Verizon iPhone coverage.

    Verizon will have their 4G LTE network in 30 US cities by December 2010, so a January 2011 launch of an iPhone 4G on Verizon makes a lot of sense. Certainly more sense than a CDMA Verizon iPhone. It's not just the increase in speeds and a new network that can be built out for iPhone-style data use, it's that Verizon is standardizing in 4G, they will be running phones with SIM's for the first time, switching to the GSM model where the handset maker is independent of the carrier, which is obviously what Apple prefers since they do the entire handset, including all the software. They just want a SIM from Verizon. Until now, Verizon is both the carrier and the handset maker and requires funky hardware inside the phone to run on their network.

    AT&T has already done 3.5G, which is already working on iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS, so they are not necessarily going to rush into 4G. Getting Verizon behind the iPhone 4G would make for a great launch and get AT&T and Verizon competing for iPhone users.

  2. strongfist Says:

    I think everyone keeps talking about a Verizon iPhone because they want the iPhone 4 on Verizon. Maybe they believe that constantly creating rumors (yes thats what they are) that it may become a reality.

    If you want IRREFUTABLE PROOF that the iPhone will NOT be coming to Verizon anytime soon check out the article called "Why Verizon wont see the iPhone anytime soon" at

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  1. The ‘N92′ is the Verizon iPhone Says:

    […] speculates this is where the phone would need to be in order to make it to a January 2011 release, which seems to be the date many are fixated on for its release. He cautions however that the news […]