FaceTime Takes Center Stage in New iPhone 4 Ads

By  |  Monday, July 12, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Perhaps the amount of negative publicity surrounding the iPhone 4 has forced Apple to go for the sentimental in its latest crop of ads for the device, or perhaps it’s just coincidence. Either way, FaceTime is given top billing and it seems as if the company is serious about video calling.

Four ads have been released: “Smile,” a father reassuring his teenage daughter that the braces she just got aren’t that bad; “Meet Her,” a grandfather seeing his new grandchild for the first time; “Big News,” a wife telling her husband that she’s finally pregnant; and “Haircut,” a boyfriend telling her girlfriend that even though her hair is really short its still “cute.”

There’s no announcer voice, just the interaction. It lets the feature speak for itself, which I think probably does a lot more to convince the viewer that this is something you want rather than some voice telling you this is what you need.

Some have said these ads are a little too personal; I would have to disagree. In a time where advertisers seem to rely too much on humor, having somebody market something on a level like this seems refreshing to me.

We have all four ads here for you to view after the break. I’d like to hear what you think.


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. ediedi Says:

    corny and irrelevant. apple’s marketing of late has veered off reasonable and funny into annoying ‘magic-land’ territory. this and stuff like ”ipad’ without the definite article put me off apple’s products for a while.

  2. Jake Says:

    Embarrassingly corny and stupid. I change the channel when these come on. Apple fans download these ads and watch them over and over. WTF is wrong with these people.