By Ed Oswald | Friday, August 20, 2010 at 1:51 pm
We now finally have confirmation that HP plans to bring to the market both Windows and WebOS-based tablets, the first time the company has publicly confirmed its plans. The confirmation came from personal systems chief Todd Bradley during the company’s quarterly results call.
HP’s on again/off again Windows Slate would be the first to appear in “the near future.” This would be followed by the release of the WebOS tablet — which some are guessing will be dubbed the PalmPad — early in 2011. There is very little detail as to the specifics of these devices, but at least we can officially put to rest the speculation on the company’s plans, no?
The acquisition of Palm led many to believe that the company would be more apt to sell a tablet based on WebOS simply because it would obviously be cheaper to use in-house code. But the company’s silence on its plans, and even some of its public statements, led some in the media to speculate that it had given up on the Windows Slate altogether.
In any case, all this apparent delay is good for one company in particular, and that’s Apple. It’s iPad continues to be the flagship device of this market segment, and the longer competitors wait, the further it will get out ahead. Time is of the essence here.
August 23rd, 2010 at 6:43 am
Since everyone and their bother is making or planing to make a tablet device. I have one minor question. Are these devices going to be able to talk to each other. You know kids will have them and you've seen how today not being able to text friends today is like you have lost your voice and thus making you handicapped. You know kids are going to want to talk to each other over them. And you think Porn is bad today wait until they start sexting each other with these tablets with their HDTV like cameras.
August 24th, 2010 at 8:34 am
I love my Palm. It's preformed flawlessly for me. Having HP buy it could mean some good R&D to kick it up a notch. I would love to see a good tablet come out using the WebOS and to have it carve a niche. Will I buy one? Hummm. Android is looking pretty good. But here's a question? What good are any of these things if they won't print and can't use a bluetooth keyboard?