Should Single-Player Be Safe Haven for StarCraft 2 Cheaters?

By  |  Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Back when Game Genie gave unskilled gamers a way to cheat, Nintendo could do nothing but unsuccessfully sue the maker, Galoob, for copyright infringement. With the rise of online connectivity, game makers finally have a workaround to third-party cheats: They can punish the players instead.

Blizzard’s anti-cheat enforcement in StarCraft 2 is the most extreme I’ve seen. Even in the single-player campaign, players who cheat are subject to suspensions or lifetime bans from Enforcement is well underway, according Cheat Happens, a company that sells cheat programs for PC games. Because is a necessary step for initial activation and updates, players who are banned for life could be locked out of StarCraft 2 forever if they move to a new computer, even if they never intend to play online.

Why target single-player? Cheat Happens speculates that Blizzard doesn’t want players collecting achievement awards without earning them fairly. Single-player cheaters could still go online and show off their achievements, and although they have no effect on the game, they give the cheater undeserved bragging rights. That still wouldn’t explain why players are banned from single-player as well as multi-player. My guess is that Blizzard is using heavy-handed tactics to discourage cheating overall.

In the Nintendo era, the idea of using Game Genie repulsed me, but I’m just as sickened to see game publishers exercise so much control over players who aren’t harming anyone else. Kicking cheaters out multiplayer is one thing — Microsoft already bans modified Xbox 360 consoles from Xbox Live, and Valve’s Steam platform for PC blocks cheaters from its game servers — but revoking their license to play at all is unnecessarily harsh.


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5 Comments For This Post

  1. jtdennis Says:

    If they insist on using for single player as well, do it like steam. progress made while using cheats don't count toward achievements.

  2. Derek Says:

    The normal Blizzard cheat codes do exactly this, turning off achievement progress if you activate them. The third party cheat mechanisms are what Blizzard is opposed to, and while the penalty seems rather harsh, I can't argue with them trying to stop it.

  3. Mark Says:

    They should get their money back if they can't play the game.

  4. Ken Says:

    Placing limits on almost every facet of the game with the vague promise of lifting them in the future is the only thing this company can do to hold the interest of its players. The singe player and mutliplayer are absolute trash compared to the first Starcraft.

  5. Michael Says:

    They have all the cheats they want without moding the game. They were using the cheats to manipluate thier online profiles so it's not an "offline" part that got them banned. They cheated in single player to manipulate achievement progress. If they had used the game with the cheat in offline mode there wouldn't have been a problem but they wanted to cheat the online part of the system. And yes you can play it without just wait at the login screen for 5 min and it will ask you.