The Best Gadgets of 2010: Your Nominations Needed

By  |  Friday, November 5, 2010 at 12:04 pm

In a couple of months at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Technologizer will cohost the 2011 edition of Last Gadget Standing, the awards ceremony that’s been a CES highlight for ten years. The goal is to find and celebrate the single coolest gadget at the show–we define “gadget” as any device that’s small enough to carry without too much trouble–and we need your help to identify contenders.

As usual, the CES show floors will be dense with stuff, including thousands of products introduced since the last CES. So start chiming in with nominations, please: What are the coolest, most interesting most innovative gadgets of 2011? Feel free to name either the ones you think have changed the industry the most, or the ones that have simply made your life better.

As we LGS judges draw up our list of contenders, we’ll draw on your recommendations. Thanks in advance, and let the debate begin!



2 Comments For This Post

  1. @davemccall Says:

    Easy. The iPad will be the biggest long-term game changer introduced this year (hardware).

    However, I'd argue that the best new gadget is neither new nor a gadget: Netflix's streaming service. Though it wasn't introduced in 2010, a majority of its now-ubiquitous platform apps were. It will have the biggest, longest impact of any gadget from 2010. Apple predicted a future free of physical media… and did its best to define and own that future. However, Neflix has created that future on another level by making its service broad on content, dead simple to use, elegant, affordable, and available on practically every new (and many older) gadgets.

  2. Fanfoot Says:

    iPad is obvious.

    The iPhone isn't new, and neither is Android, but this year is certainly the one where Android took the world by storm. Now Android isn't a Gadget, and I'm not sure you could pick a single Android device to signify the whole OS movement. Maybe the Droid 2? Or the Droid X? Hard.

    The Apple Magic TrackPad? I think its important.

    Google TV? Doesn't look like it the way things are shaping up. Apple TV? Boxee Box? Too early to tell. Roku? Might have something there, certainly the winner so far.

    The new Kindle of course. Gen 3? The graphite one. New low price should guarantee it sells like hotcakes, and really gets into the mainstream. Not so much the other e-Readers. Still, hard to say its a breakthrough compared to the iPad.