A Perfect-Enough Partnership

By  |  Friday, February 4, 2011 at 10:21 am

Would it make sense for Nokia and Microsoft to form a strategic partnership built around Nokia phones and Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7? I’m not sure, but I can’t think of a better strategy for either one…

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  1. justcallmeben Says:

    I think it would be great fr both vendors: WP7 isn't exactly booming (at least here in Belgium: finding a WP7 phone is harder than figuring out what Apple exactly wants to do with Kindle) and Nokia really is falling apart.
    Nokia phones however are still 'popular': everybody knows and actually likes the brand, but right now there isn't any nokia phone people really want. Mostly because they heard about Android, and haven't heard of Symbian, Ovi Store or other Nokia brands.
    Windows however is a very strong brand and most certainly can take on Android here in Europe. So if Nokia and MS teamed up and came forward with a great and complete lineup (low-to high-priced, with and without keyboard), I most certainly believe Nokia can keep its marketshare in Europe.

    Other than that I indeed don't really see anything MS or Nokia could do to avoid fading out of the market as they are doing now.