By Steve Bass | Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 5:29 pm
You’re out there, wondering if I had any more CES products in the wings. (Actually, I just LOLed, thinking that maybe you’re not.)
It doesn’t matter, I still have some particularly juicy products to tell you about. And here are two more.
Watch the roast with your iGrill
Have $100 to burn? (Gawd, I certainly don’t.) If you do, splurge on iGrill‘s fancy probe. It’s another thing specially designed for Apple aficionados.
Stick the iGrill’s probe into a leg of lamb, toss it on the barbecue, turn on your iPhone, and snap open another Anchor Steam. A connection’s made using Bluetooth between the iGrill and your choice of iGizmo — an iPhone, iPad, or iPod. You’ll be alerted when the roast’s done, or, I imagine, overdone, if you’re not paying attention.
A couple of thoughts:
Too many of you have a Superglue bond between your hand and your iPhone. You probably take it to the beach or into the shower (just in case you want to check the water temperature with your 99-cent iTemp app). If you do, get a couple of Loksak’s storage bags. Provided you don’t open them up under water, they’re water tight as well as dust and sand-proof.
The Opsak (aka the Odor Proof Sak) holds in odors, so if you’re out in the wild, you can use it to prevent bears, insects, and presumably any of the DEA’s four-footed detectors from sniffing your goodies. Prices range from $6.50 and up, depending on size and function.
[This post is excerpted from Steve’s TechBite newsletter. If you liked it, head here to sign up–it’s delivered on Wednesdays to your inbox, and it’s free.]
February 27th, 2011 at 6:18 am
Wow, 100 bucks? That’s insane. You can get a wireless meat thermometer from just about anywhere for around 30 bucks. You have to be a true Apple hipster to want to pay triple for less functionality.
Now that I think about it, maybe iGrill knows their audience well. 3x the price for 1/2 the functionality is what made Apple such a profitable company.