By Harry McCracken | Friday, March 25, 2011 at 1:22 am
Time for an occasional new Technologizer feature. For no other reason except that it’s fun, let’s look at the world–and especially the tech world–as reflected in the results for various Google searches. With apologies, as always, to Harper’s Index, here’s the Technologizer Googlecount.
Number of Google search results for “drinking the apple kool-aid:” 24,300
For “drinking the microsoft kool-aid:” 2,890
For “drinking the hp kool-aid:” 247
For “drinking the acer kool-aid:” 0
First specific e-mail client linked to in results for “e-mail:” Gmail
First specific mapping service linked to in results for “maps:” Google Maps
First specific spreadsheet linked to in results for “spreadsheet:” Google Docs
First specific word processor linked to in results for “word processor:” Abiword
First specific presentation package linked to in results for “presentation:” Prezi
First specific search engine linked to in results for “search engine:” Dogpile
In first page of results for “chrome,” number of links about automotive trim: 1
In first page of results for “android,” number of links about humanoid robots: 0
Number of results for “how to quit facebook:” 49,800
For “how to quit friendster:” 3
In Google Images results for “iPad,” number of images which are of fan-created Apple tablet concepts before the first image of the real iPad: 11
In Google Images results for “sergey,” number of images of other Sergeys before the first image of Sergey Brin: 1
In Google Images results for “larry,” number of images of other Larrys before the first image of Larry Page: 143
Number of results for “justin bieber:” 286,000,000
For same search with date range set to end on February 28th, 1994, the day before Bieber’s birth: 4,020,000
For “rosa parks:” 3,590,000
Number of results for “songs about bill gates:” 214
Number of results for “songs about steve jobs:” 9
Number of results for “songs about steve ballmer:” 8
First autocomplete suggestion for “apple is:” apple is evil
For “microsoft is:” microsoft is evil
For “facebook is:” facebook is down
For “google is:” google is hiring
For “twitter is:” twitter is it snowing in sf
Number of results for “android fragmentation:” 1,080,000
For “iOS fragmentation:” 3,070
For “webos fragmentation:” 66
According to Google Trends, the top city for searches for “steve ballmer:” Redmond, Washington
For “steve jobs:” San Francisco, California
For “michael dell:” Round Rock, Texas
For “mark zuckerberg:” Herndon, Virginia
Results for “laptop:” 632,000,000
For “palmtop:” 3,150,000
For “kneetop:” 36,600
Number of magazines in Google Books about New York City: 1
About Cincinnati: 2
(All searches performed in the past 12 hours. Your mileage may vary.)
March 25th, 2011 at 4:26 am
Weird, I live in Herndon but don't think I've ever searched for Zuckerberg. By the way, do you recall if you were logged into Google services when you did this? It seems like results can be different, but I haven't confirmed that suspicion.
March 25th, 2011 at 7:29 am
Shoulda mentioned this: I was logged out when I did these searches. (Google does indeed fiddle with the results when you’re logged in.)
March 25th, 2011 at 7:28 am
The comparison between results for "Rosa Parks" and "Justin Bieber" is so sad. Parks mattered; Bieber ….