Tablet Sales: Bad. Nook Sales: Good

By  |  Friday, July 8, 2011 at 5:28 pm

Research firm IDC says that tablet sales (the iPad excepted) are lower than expected–but that Barnes & Noble’s Nook is now outselling Amazon’s Kindle.



13 Comments For This Post

  1. SirWired Says:

    Given that both Amazon and B&N steadfastly refuse to release reader sales numbers, I'd be interested in knowing how IDC came to this conclusion.

  2. The_Heraclitus Says:

    Yes, unless they can cite company data, the report is more than useless.

  3. Aaron Martin-Colby Says:

    Completely agreed.

    Every time Amazon mentions sales numbers, I chuckle. Pull the other one.

    Although, I do find these data interesting in one way. Many people, including myself, argued that tablets are only really good for consuming info, yet they cost a lot.

    E-Readers with tablet-like functions like the Nook are much cheaper with a focus on media consumption, and are doing better than tablets.

  4. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    No, readers are not doing better than tablets. iPad outsells all the readers. There are more Kindle iOS apps than hardware Kindles.

  5. Andy Says:

    Of course tablet sales are lower than the iPad. There still hasn't been a worthy competitor (from a consumer's standpoint) to the iPad even after a year and a half.

  6. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    Yeah, but we are still being told that Motorola is going to suddenly beat Apple at its own game any moment now.

  7. The_Heraclitus Says:

    Android took the smart phone market from Apple in 2 years. Android will own the tablet market in ~ the same amount of time.

  8. David Says:

    Sure. Look at how Apple has more devices sold, more apps, and makes more money than Android. Apple only makes 50% of the profit of the mobile industry. Look at how the iPhone 3GS and iPhone outsells any Android model including the newest.

    If that isn't a beat down, what is?

  9. The_Heraclitus Says:

    There are more Andriod Smart phones sold than Apple smart phones. Android OS powers more. Same WILL happen with tablets.

    So, Apple is not the major player. Android is. What is your point? That Apple has a smaller market share?


  10. Lava Says:

    Other than the fact that Apple disclose iPad sales number during their quarterly conference calls and posts the results on their website, no, we have no idea how many iPads have been sold.

  11. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    Not to mention, Steve Jobs tells us how many iPads and other iOS devices they have sold at evey event. So we're only being updated about 8 times per year.

  12. David Says:

    You know what's really interesting? We now have Android phones, Android tablets, the Touchpad and the Playbook and none of them can run Flash properly.

    Imagine the iPad lead if it shipped with another poorly implemented Flash runtime. But hey, at least all those guys can participate in Flash exploits.

  13. The_Heraclitus Says:

    Apple wouldn't lead if it had flash any more than it leads in the PC OS mkt…