Google+ Makes It Easier To Say “I’m Just Not That Into You”

By  |  Friday, August 26, 2011 at 8:52 am

Somebody annoying you enough in your Google+ feed (Robert Scoble, maybe? Just kidding, buddy!) that you’d rather not read their incessant posts? Are you not doing anything because you think blocking them is just a bit too harsh? Well, the fine folks at Google have added a new feature to the social networking service just for you.

Now available is the “Ignore” option. Rather than blocking people from seeing and interacting with you and vice versa, it will remove their posts from your stream and disable notifications on their posts. What it won’t do is prevent them from seeing or interacting with your content however.

This seems like a useful feature for the celebrities that Google is now trying to attract to Plus. They can ignore those overzealous fan that’s just a bit too obnoxious. The best thing about Ignore is the ignored person isn’t notified, so no hard feelings.

Ignore is rolling out now so it may not immediately be available to you, but when it is you’ll be able to access the option through one of the following: from your circles themselves, by clicking on the down-arrow drop down to the right of the post in the streams, or from the notifications window in the Google bar.



4 Comments For This Post

  1. Vineet Says:

    It's like the feature of FB, where you can hide somebody's post.
    G+ is just matching up to FB in terms of features. Then, it will surpass it.

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  4. video maker Says:

    Google has to make Google + a lot better so that people can like the design and every thing. Right now every one is busy in Facebook. Personally i like Google.